Saturday, November 5, 2016

See 'Forrest Gump' as an 8-bit game with lots of running

When life's not like a box of chocolates, it's sometimes like an old-school video game. Okay, not really-but this 8-bit retelling of Forrest Gump will make you wish it was.

Our CineFix series, 8-Bit Cinema, "gamifies" your favorite movies and TV shows into '80s arcade- and NES-inspired action. 

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More about Mashable Video, Tom Hanks, Forrest Gump, 8 Bit Cinema, and Movies

Monday, October 3, 2016

'Indiana Jones' shark gains protection at Cites meeting

Known for its long whip-like tail, the threatened Thresher shark is among a number of marine species given extra protection at the Cites meeting.

Friday, September 9, 2016

US judge refuses to block oil pipeline near tribal lands

A judge rules that construction on a controversial oil pipeline can continue just as the federal government requests that construction voluntarily be halted.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Ticks found on 'one third' of dogs, researchers say

Scientists working on the largest study of ticks in dogs have found that almost one third of dogs checked at random across the UK were found to be carrying a tick.

Monday, July 4, 2016

Juno mission: Jupiter probe on course for orbit manoeuvre

The US space agency says its Juno probe is in good shape as it prepares to orbit Jupiter and begin a survey of what lies beneath the giant planet's obscuring clouds.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

2,500 scientists implore Australia to protect the Great Barrier Reef

More than 2,000 coral reef scientists have sent a letter to the Australian government pleading for it to protect the Great Barrier Reef.

Warning that Australia is perceived as a "laggard" on climate action, the letter was sent Saturday after the conclusion of the 13th International Coral Reef Symposium, which was held in Honolulu, Hawaii.

Addressed to Australia's Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, it was sent on behalf of the International Society for Reef Studies, which represents more than 2,500 coral reef scientists, managers and policy makers.

More about Coral Bleaching, Climate Change, Great Barrier Reef, Australia, and World

Saturday, June 11, 2016

1865: Haunting portraits of the Lincoln assassination conspirators


Lewis Powell, also known as Lewis Payne, who attempted to assassinate Secretary of State William Seward.

Image: Alexander Gardner/Library of Congress

On April 14, 1865, at the climax of a performance of Our American Cousin at Ford's Theatre in Washington, D.C., actor John Wilkes Booth entered Abraham Lincoln's private balcony and shot the president in the back of the head. He leaped to the stage below, shouting “Sic semper tyrannis” - “thus always to tyrants" - before fleeing into the night

Booth's brazen murder of the president was the only successful part of a larger, hastily organized conspiracy to kill the president, vice president and secretary of state simultaneously, with the aim of throwing the Union government into disarray just as the Civil War was ending. Read more...

More about History, Civil War, Us World, Politics, and Us

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Beyoncé announces mysterious 'World Premiere,' and the Beyhive loses it


Mark your calendars: Beyoncé is releasing something called Lemonade on HBO on April 23 at 9 P.M. ET.

Beyoncé posted a short teaser for whatever it is on her Instagram and YouTube on Saturday, which leaves much to the imagination.

"Lemonade. A world premiere event," the promo reads.

Beyonce can be heard saying, "What am I gonna do, love, what am I gonna do?" 

#LEMONADE immediately began trending on Twitter in the United States, while the Beyhive attempted to unravel the cryptic message.

Now, the Beyoncé fans were aware of something called Lemonade for a while now, however it was unclear exactly what the project will be.  Read more...

More about Television, Lemonade, Beyonce, Music, and Entertainment

'For the Love of Spock' is a moving love letter to an icon and a father


Spock, an iconic presence on the original Star Trek series and its multiple incarnations over the next 50 years, might have been another all-but-forgotten TV character, like Alf or Doby Gillis - if not for Leonard Nimoy.

As written, Spock was supposed to be logical, emotionless. But Nimoy imbued the alien with a striking humanity telegraphed through tiny gestures - an eyebrow raise, a furrowed brow.

Spock was Star Trek's only full-time, half-breed character. On the surface, he was a Vulcan; underneath, he was constantly struggling to keep his human half and its emotions in check. Read more...

More about Movies, Entertainment, Mashable Choice, Leonard Nimoy, and Star Trek

Jealous dog isn't into sharing the couch with a cat, lamb and human


That's my spot.

Clearly this dog was not used to sharing the love seat with so many species. 

More about Viral Videos, Animals, and Watercooler

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Internet trolls told her she wasn't a 'real woman' so she had a makeover


Internet trolls are the worst. No one knows that more than Mashable reporter Heather Dockray. Every time she appeared in a video, people felt obligated to tell her she looks like a "dude" and that she's "not a real woman." Normally she ignores them, but this time, she listened. Watch as New York drag queen Glace Chase gives Heather a makeover.

Real the full story of Heather's transformation:

More about Style, Trolls, Watercooler, Videos, and Fashion

Kansas City police pepper spray protesters outside Trump rally


Protesters outside Donald Trump's rally in Kansas City, Missouri on Saturday were pepper sprayed by police, an uncommon practice even at the most tense events for the Republican presidential frontrunner. 

Police deployed pepper spray to break up two large groups of more than 200 people who were ready to fight outside, Police Chief Darryl Forte said on Twitter, noting that pepper spray fogger would also be used on demonstrators throwing objects.

Two people were arrested for refusing to follow the law, the Kansas City Police said on Twitter.

More about Protester, Pepper Spray, Kansas City, Donald Trump, and Election 2016

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Louis CK has a logical explanation for why he's waiting to do more 'Louie'


PASADENA, California — Bad news: Louis CK is no closer to having a new season of Louie ready for viewers' eager eyes than when we last got an update

The good news: The delay seemingly isn't a result of his disinterest in doing another season; it's kinda of because he's been ridiculously busy

Or, as the comedian puts it, he hasn't had a lot of time to think about it

"You have to be able to put other things completely aside when you're not thinking about them," he told reporters Saturday at a panel for FX's upcoming comedy Baskets. "So I'll have a Baskets day and I'm not thinking about these other things." Read more...

More about Television, Comedy, Entertainment, Tv, and Louis C.K.